Fall/Spring Course offerings

Below are the major requirements and major electives that are traditionally offered in the Fall and Spring semesters. Students can use this list to plan ahead toward graduation. Minor changes to these lists can be expected each year, but every effort is made to offer these courses in their respective semesters.

Earth and environmental sciences

Fall SemesterSpring Semester
Fall: Major Required Courses

GEOL 1200 and Lab – Introduction to Physical Geology

ESCI 1101 and Lab – Introduction to Physical Geography
ESCI 1501 – Environment, Society, and Sustainability
ESCI 2210 – Field Methods
ESCI 2222 – Environmental Science
ESCI 3101 – Global Environmental Change

Spring: Major Required Courses

GEOL 1200 and Lab – Introduction to Physical Geology

ESCI 1101 and Lab – Introduction to Physical Geography
ESCI 1501 – Environment, Society, and Sustainability
ESCI 2210 – Field Methods
ESCI 2222 – Environmental Science
ESCI 3101 – Global Environmental Change
ESCI 3205 – Water Resources
ESCI 3105 – Mineral Resources
Fall: Major Elective Courses

ESCI 3105 – Oceanography
ESCI 3190 – Biogeography
ESCI 3220 – Air Quality
ESCI 4140 – Hydrologic Processes
ESCI 4170 – Fundamentals of Remote Sensing
ESCI 4201- Hydroclimatology

GEOG 3102 – Plant Geography
GEOG 3120 – Fundamentals of GIS
GEOG 3180 – Hazards and Disasters
GEOG 3215 – Environmental Planning
GEOG 3250 – World Food Problems

GEOL 3124 – Sedimentology

METR 3140 – Fundamentals of Meteorology
METR 3220 – Physical Meteorology
METR 3245 – Synoptic Meteorology
METR 4110 – Atmospheric Instrumentation

Spring: Major Elective Courses

ESCI 4122 – Statistics and Data Analysis in the Earth Sciences
ESCI 4180 – Digital Image Processing in Remote Sensing
ESCI 4190 – Contemporary Environmental Issues
ESCI 4214 – Global Ecosystems
ESCI 4222 – Watershed Science
ESCI 4600 – Earth and Environmental Sciences Seminar

GEOG 3120- Fundamentals of GIS
GEOG 3180 – Hazards and Disasters
GEOG 3215 – Environmental Planning
GEOG 4131 – Environmental Modeling with GIS
GEOG 4215 – Urban Ecology

GEOL 3190 – Environmental Geology
GEOL 4115 – Applied Geophysics
GEOL 4145 – Hydrogeology

METR 3140 – Fundamentals of Meteorology
METR 3210 – Atmospheric Thermodynamics
METR 3250 – Dynamic Meteorology
METR 42015 – Climate Dynamics

environmental studies

Fall SemesterSpring Semester
Fall: Major Required Courses

GEOG 1105 – Introduction to Human Geography

ESCI 1101 and Lab – Introduction to Physical Geography
ESCI 1501 – Environment, Society, and Sustainability
ESCI 2222 – Environmental Science
ESCI 3101 – Global Environmental Change

Spring: Major Required Courses

GEOG 1105 – Introduction to Human Geography

ESCI 1101 and Lab – Introduction to Physical Geography
ESCI 1501 – Environment, Society, and Sustainability
ESCI 2222 – Environmental Science
ESCI 3101 – Global Environmental Change
ESCI 4190 – Contemporary Environmental Issues
Fall: Major Elective Course

GEOG 2100 – Introduction to Urban Studies
GEOG 2105 – Introduction to Economic Geography
GEOG 2110 – Introduction to Geographic Research
GEOG 2121 – Introduction to Development Studies
GEOG 2140 – Geography of North Carolina
GEOG 2155 – Geography of US and Canada
GEOG 3120 – Fundamentals of GIS
GEOG 3180 – Hazards and Disasters
GEOG 3120 – Plant Geography
GEOG 3115 – Urban Transportation Problems
GEOG 3250 – World Food Problems
GEOG 3306 – Contemporary Issues of the Middle East
GEOG 4120 – Urban Planning Methods

ESCI 3105 – Oceanography
ESCI 3190 – Biogeography
ESCI 3220 – Air Quality
ESCI 4140 – Hydrologic Processes
ESCI 4170 – Fundamentals of Remote Sensing
ESCI 4201 – Hydroclimatology

Spring: Major Elective Courses

GEOG 2102 – Introduction to Cartographic Design
GEOG 2200 – Introduction to Urban Studies
GEOG 3120 – Fundamentals of GIS
GEOG 3180 – Hazards and Disasters
GEOG 3200 – Land Use Planning
GEOG 3215 – Environmental Planning
GEOG 4103 – Computer Programming for GIS Applications
GEOG 4131 – Environmental Modeling with GIS
GEOG 4132 – Spatial Modeling for Social and Economic Apps.
GEOG 4215 – Urban Ecology

ESCI 3205 – Water Resources
ESCI 4122 – Statistics and Data Analysis in the Earth Sciences
ESCI 4222 – Watershed Science
ESCI 4600 – Earth Sciences Seminar

GEOL 3105 – Mineral Resources
GEOL 3190 – Environmental Geology


Fall SemesterSpring Semester
Fall: Major Required Courses

ESCI 1101 and Lab – Introduction to Physical Geography

GEOL 1200 and Lab – Introduction to Physical Geology
GEOL 3115 – Mineralogy
GEOL 3124 – Sedimentology
GEOL 3130 – Structural Geology

Spring: Major Required Courses

ESCI 1101 and Lab – Introduction to Physical Geography

GEOL 1200 and Lab – Introduction to Physical Geology
GEOL 1210 and Lab – Earth History
GEOL 4100 – Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology

Fall: Major Elective Courses

ESCI 3101 – Global Environmental Change
ESCI 3105 – Oceanography
ESCI 4140 – Hydrologic Processes
ESCI 4170 – Fundamentals of Remote Sensing
ESCI 4201 – Hydroclimatology

GEOG 3120 – Fundamentals of GIS

Spring: Major Elective Courses

GEOL 3105 – Mineral Resources
GEOL 3190 – Environmental Geology

ESCI 3101 – Global Environmental Change
ESCI 3205 – Water Resources
ESCI 4122 – Statistics and Data Analysis in the Earth Sciences
ESCI 4222 – Watershed Science
ESCI 4180 – Digital Image Processing in Remote Sensing

geography, BS

Fall SemesterSpring Semester
Fall: Major Required Courses

GEOG 1103 – Spatial Thinking
GEOG 1105 – Introduction to Human Geography
GEOG 1501 – Global Geography
GEOG 1511 – Introduction to Urban and Regional Planning
GEOG 2110 – Introduction to Geographic Research
GEOG 3120 – Fundamentals of GIS
GEOG 4600 – Professional Development Seminar

ESCI 1101 and Lab – Introduction to Physical Geography
Spring: Major Required Courses

GEOG 1103 – Spatial Thinking
GEOG 1105 – Introduction to Human Geography
GEOG 1501 – Global Geography
GEOG 1511 – Introduction to Urban and Regional Planning
GEOG 3120 – Fundamentals of GIS

ESCI 1101 and Lab – Introduction to Physical Geography

Fall: Major Elective Courses

GEOG 2100 – Introduction to Urban Studies
GEOG 2105 – Introduction to Economic Geography
GEOG 2121 – Introduction to Development Studies
GEOG 2140 – Geography of North Carolina
GEOG 2155 – Geography of US and Canada
GEOG 3180 – Hazards and Disasters
GEOG 3120 – Plant Geography
GEOG 3115 – Urban Transportation Problems
GEOG 3215 – Environmental Planning
GEOG 3250 – World Food Problems
GEOG 3306 – Contemporary Issues of the Middle East
GEOG 4120 – Urban Planning Methods

ESC1 3101 – Global Environmental Change
ESCI 3105 – Oceanography
ESCI 3190 – Biogeography
ESCI 3220 – Air Quality
ESCI 4140 – Hydrologic Processes
ESCI 4170 – Fundamentals of Remote Sensing
ESCI 4201 – Hydroclimatology
Spring: Major Elective Courses

GEOG 2102 – Introduction to Cartographic Design
GEOG 2200 -Introduction to Urban Studies
GEOG 3180 – Hazards and Disasters
GEOG 3200 – Land Use Planning
GEOG 3215 – Environmental Planning
GEOG 4103 – Computer Programming for GIS Applications
GEOG 4131 – Environmental Modeling with GIS
GEOG 4132 – Spatial Modeling for Social and Economic Apps.
GEOG 4215 – Urban Ecology

ESCI 3101 – Global Environmental Change
ESCI 3205 – Water Resources
ESCI 4122 – Statistics and Data Analysis in Earth Sciences
ESCI 4190 – Contemporary Environmental Issues
ESCI 4222 – Watershed Science

geography, BA

Fall SemesterSpring Semester
Fall: Major Required Courses

GEOG 1501 – Global Geography
GEOG 1105 – Introduction to Human Geography
GEOG 1103 – Spatial Thinking
GEOG 1511 – Introduction to Urban and Regional Planning
GEOG 2200 – Introduction to Urban Studies
GEOG 3120 – Fundamentals of GIS
GEOG 4600 – Professional Development Seminar

ESCI 1101 and Lab – Introduction to Physical Geography
ESCI 1501 – Environment, Society, and Sustainability
Spring: Major Required Courses

GEOG 1501 – Global Geography
GEOG 1103 – Spatial Thinking
GEOG 1105 – Introduction to Human Geography
GEOG 1511 – Introduction to Urban and Regional Planning
GEOG 2200 – Introduction to Urban Studies
GEOG 3120 – Fundamentals of GIS

ESCI 1101 and Lab – Introduction to Physical Geography
ESCI 1501 – Environment, Society, and Sustainability

Fall: Major Elective Courses

GEOG 2105 – Introduction to Economic Geography
GEOG 2121 – Introduction to Development Studies
GEOG 2140 – Geography of North Carolina
GEOG 2155 – Geography of US and Canada
GEOG 3180 – Hazards and Disasters
GEOG 3120 – Plant Geography
GEOG 3115 – Urban Transportation Problems
GEOG 3215 – Environmental Planning
GEOG 3250 – World Food Problems
GEOG 3306 – Contemporary Issues of the Middle East
GEOG 4120 – Urban Planning Methods
Spring: Major Elective Courses

GEOG 2102 – Introduction to Cartographic Design
GEOG 3180 – Hazards and Disasters
GEOG 3200 – Land Use Planning
GEOG 3215 – Environmental Planning
GEOG 4131 – Environmental Modeling with GIS
GEOG 4132 – Spatial Modeling for Social and Economic Apps.
GEOG 4215 – Urban Ecology


Fall SemesterSpring Semester
Fall: Major Required Courses

ESCI 3101 – Global Environmental Change

METR 1102 – Introduction to Meteorology
METR 3140 – Fundamentals of Meteorology
METR 3220 – Physical Meteorology
METR 4245 – Advanced Synoptic Meteorology
METR 4250- Advanced Dynamic Meteorology
Spring: Major Required Courses

ESCI 3101 – Global Environmental Change

METR 1102 – Introduction to Meteorology
METR 3210 – Atmospheric Thermodynamics
METR 3250 – Dynamic Meteorology
METR 4105 – Meteorological Computer Applications
METR 4205 – Climate Dynamics
METR 4560 – Meteorology Seminar
Fall: Major Elective Courses

METR 4110 – Atmospheric Instrumentation
METR 4320 – Tropical Meteorology

ESCI 3220 – Air Quality
ESCI 4201 – Hydroclimatology
ESCI 3105 – Oceanography
ESCI 4140 – Hydrological Processes
ESCI 4170 – Fundamentals of Remote Sensing

GEOG 3215 – Environmental Planning
Spring: Major Elective Courses

METR 3340 – Weather Communications
METR 3330 – Weather Forecasting (every other spring)
METR 4350 – Mesoscale Meteorology (every other spring)

ESCI 4122 – Statistics and Data Analysis in the Earth Sciences
ESCI 3205 – Water Resources

GEOG 3215 – Environmental Planning