
The Department of Earth, Environmental and Geographical Sciences is comprised of physical, natural and social scientists from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds. Our mission is to create, extend and disseminate applied and theoretical scientific knowledge of the Earth’s physical, natural and human systems and their interactions through scholarly research, teaching and service.

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Recent News

On Friday, March 21st Teena Power won the first annual CHESS Going the Extra Mile award, which is given to…

Kick off Earth Month April 4th with Prof. Eppes’ and PhD Alum Monica Ramussen’s research combined with creative inspiration of…

On Monday (3/17), the Stable Isotope class taught by Dr. Lin Li conducted a field trip to collect surface water samples in…

On Friday, March 14th the annual EEGS Career Fair was held in the McEniry lobby. Regional Professionals and our newly…

Last week, three meteorology undergraduates (Ian Shank, Emily Bennett, and Chris Germano) were invited to Pineville elementary to talk to…

Congratulations to Dr. Michelle Zuñiga, the 2023-2024 recipient of the James H. Woodward Faculty Research Award. The James H. Woodward Faculty Research Award…

Student clubs

Click on the image to view our student clubs

Contact Us

Department of Earth, Environmental and Geographical Sciences, UNC Charlotte

Chair: Dr. Sara Gagne
Associate Chair: Terry Shirley
Department Main Office: McEniry 331

Phone: 704‑687‑5973
Department Email: eegs@charlotte.edu

Alumni Spotlight

jacob sand

Class of 2019, Environmental Studies BA & Geology Minor