Dr. Ian Chang

Dr. Ian Chang

• Assistant Professor
Atmospheric remote sensing; satellite meteorology; clouds; aerosols; air quality; climate science; precipitation; hydrometeorology

Research areas: Atmospheric remote sensing, aerosol, cloud, atmospheric radiation, air quality, climate science, precipitation, hydrometeorology

My name is Ian Chang. I am an atmospheric scientist with research interests in atmospheric aerosol, cloud, radiation, air quality, precipitation, climate, and hydrometeorology. My current research includes (1) aerosol-cloud-radiation-precipitation interactions, (2) interrelationships between regional air quality, anthropogenic activities, and human health, and (3) flood prediction inferred from precipitation characteristics. My research integrates atmospheric remote sensing, radiative transfer modeling, and Earth system modeling.

Ph.D., Atmospheric Science, University of Alabama in Huntsville (2018)

M.S., Geography, Northern Illinois University (2012)

B.S., Meteorology, Northern Illinois University (2010)

Teaching and Research Interests

  • Atmospheric remote sensing
  • Satellite meteorology
  • Aerosol
  • Cloud 
  • Atmospheric composition
  • Radiative transfer
  • Air quality
  • Climate science
  • Precipitation
  • Hydrometeorology