Dr. Lin Li

Dr. Lin Li

• Assistant Professor
Sedimentology and Stratigraphy; Basin Analysis; Tectonics; Stable and clumped isotope Geochemistry; Paleoclimatology
McEniry 312

Dr. Lin Li is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Earth, Environmental, and Geographical Sciences. With a background as both a field-based and laboratory-oriented geologist, Dr. Li’s research passion lies in unraveling the sedimentary and tectonic evolution of orogenic belts, decoding paleoclimate and paleoelevation signals preserved in sedimentary rocks, and investigating the intricate interplay between tectonics, topography, and paleoclimate. He has worked in the Tibetan Plateau, Parmir Plateau-Central Asia, as well as the North American Cordillera. The research tools he uses mainly include fieldwork of sedimentology and stratigraphy, laboratory analyses of petrography, stable isotopes, clumped isotopes, geochronology, and low-temperature thermochronology.

Before joining UNC Charlotte, Dr. Li was a Research Scientist for three years at the Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona. He also has research experience and postdoc training at several other universities and institutions in the US and France. 

For more information on Dr. Li’s research, please check his Google Scholar site:


If you are interested in continental tectonics and paleoclimate changes, please do not hesitate to contact him. Currently, he is looking for both undergraduate and graduate students. There is also a post-doc position open.   


  • Ph.D. in Geoscience, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY (2016)
  • M.S. in Geology, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing (2011)
  • B.S. in Geology, China University of Geosciences, Beijing (2008)

Teaching and Research Interests

  • Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
  • Basin Analysis
  • Tectonics
  • Stable Isotope Geochemistry
  • Paleoclimate and Paleoenvironment
  • Field Methods