Hiring a new faculty in EEGS
Assistant Professor, Sustainable Cities
The Department of Earth, Environmental and Geographical Sciences (https://geoearth.charlotte.edu/) in the College of Humanities & Earth and Social Sciences at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte invites applications for a tenure-track appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor in the area of Sustainable Cities (broadly understood) to begin on August 11, 2025. This is a joint appointment between the Department of Earth, Environmental and Geographical Sciences (75%) and UNC Charlotte’s School of Data Science (25%). The salary range for the position is $79,500-$82,500 plus stipend. We seek a dynamic and broadly trained urban geographer who can theorize about the spatial dimensions of critical sustainability issues facing cities today, including but not limited to urban inequalities, housing affordability, transportation accessibility, clean energy/energy efficiency, and/or sustainable urbanization and land use.
The successful candidate will have the ability to use mixed methods, i.e., qualitative and quantitative, including data science techniques, to address their research questions. Requirements for this position include a Ph.D. degree in Geography awarded by the date of appointment. Candidates will be expected to demonstrate their ability (1) to teach undergraduate and graduate courses in geography, data science, and their area of specialization; and (2) to build a cutting-edge, externally funded research program in the area of sustainable cities that is theoretically grounded and utilizing mixed methods including data science techniques. Finalists will be asked to discuss how their teaching practices engage students of different ages, races, ethnicities, backgrounds, identities, and abilities, helping to remove barriers in order to ensure the success of all students regardless of their entry pathway into the university.
Candidates should submit the following to https://jobs.charlotte.edu/ [Position Number 4983]: (1) cover letter; (2) research statement; (3) teaching statement; (4) a curriculum vitae; (5) one to three representative publications, and (6) contact information (including email addresses) for at least three professional references. Items 2, 3 and 5 should be combined in a single document. Review of applications will begin on December 2, 2024 and will continue until the position is filled. For more information, contact search committee chair Dr. Isabelle Nilsson (inilsso1@charlotte.edu).