EEGS 49ers were on the Road this Semester: three successful class trips to exotic locations!

Three EEGS courses this semester focused on travel, two domestically and one internationally, over Spring Break in early March 2024. The sights were breathtaking and students got the opportunity to interact with different cultures and landscapes. These experiences are pivotal in the academic journey of our students.
Participating students will be displaying their work and hosting a potluck from 2-4:30 pm on Thursday, May 2nd in McEniry 215. All are invited!
Come learn more about travel course experiences offered in our department and celebrate the work of our students!
Dr. Eppes led 7 students and one alum to Albuquerque, NM to study rocks exposed along the Eastern crest of the Sandia Mountains. These students were enrolled in her ESCI 6105 Landscape Assessment Course whose focus is on hands-on research experience in the field. In this case, masters and PhD students were collaborating on an international research grant to better understand how subcritical rock cracking contributes to the uplift of fault-block mountains like the Sandias.

Jake Armour and Dr. Katherine Idiorzek took 15 students on a whirlwind trip through the Sonoran-Mojave deserts and the western Colorado Plateau. This trip was the primary component of our ESCI 3010 National Parks: The Science Behind the Scenery experiential learning course. Students flew into LAX where they were picked up in two 15-passenger vans preloaded with group camping gear and food for a week! The first stop was the Manhattan Beach Pier, where students were introduced to the Pacific Ocean coastline and prepped for the trip inland through the Los Angeles Basin. Four hours later, students were hiking in Painted Canyon on the east side of the Salton Sea and camping on the well exposed San Andreas Fault! The days that followed found the students camping, cooking, and exploring numerous unique public land sites across southern California and Arizona, culminating in Joshua Tree National Park at the end of the week!
Dr. Larianne Collins led 15 students on a 9-day expedition to the Peruvian Amazon in an experiential learning course focusing on the economic, equity, and environmental issues associated with sustainable development in the rainforest. Students engaged with the Maijuna and Yagua indigenous groups to examine the successes and difficulties of developing sustainably as they attempt to maintain their historical lifestyle amongst outside attempts to deforest their native lands.

“The people, environment, and culture that I was exposed to were incredible and unique. I gained insight on sustainability that couldn’t be replicated in the classroom.” –Mia Pulczinski
“Studying abroad with the Peru Sustainable Field Study Program was an incredible journey and one of my best decisions. It expanded my academic horizons and fostered personal growth, leaving me with unforgettable memories and friendships to cherish forever.” –Katherine Skeen
“I have never felt more connected with my classmates, my learning experience, or my surroundings than I did during this experience. I strongly encourage anyone who is thinking of going on this study abroad to take the chance, it’s worth it.” –Zane Hincke
Additional pictures from the adventures can be found below: