EEGS research team to lead community science heat mapping campaign

This summer, the Charlotte Heat Mappers, a coalition of community organizations, nonprofits and government entities led by Dr. Idziorek will oversee a community science campaign to map variations in urban heat across the city. The interdisciplinary research team also includes EEGS faculty Drs. Eastin, Zuñiga, and Shoemaker as well as GEOG MA students Joe Wiswell and Adrian Croland.
Charlotte is one of 14 U.S. communities and four international cities selected by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to join its 2024 Urban Heat Island mapping campaign. The effort is designed to identify communities in which people are most at risk during extreme heat waves. On the heat mapping campaign day, volunteers will collect data using mobile sensors mounted on their cars in three shifts: morning, afternoon, and evening.

Extreme heat has been the No. 1 weather-related cause of death in the U.S. for the last three decades, with the health risk burden associated with extreme heat disproportionately affecting vulnerable populations such as low-income communities and communities of color. Understanding the distribution of heat across different areas of Charlotte can support safer, more resilient communities and help inform more equitable heat mitigation strategies. To learn more about the project, visit the Charlotte Heat Mappers website and follow the project on Instagram: @charlotteheatmappers. To volunteer for the mapping campaign, please sign up via their no-commitment interest form:
Media coverage:
WCNC UNC Charlotte leads ‘heat mapping’ campaign in Charlotte (May 6, 2024)
Queen City News Study is attempting to find hottest places in Charlotte (May 2, 2024)
The Charlotte Post How hot? Initiative measures, maps extreme temps, risk (April 25, 2024)
The Charlotte Observer What are Charlotte’s hottest spots? Survey intends to reveal dangerous ‘heat islands’ (April 16, 2024)
WFAE Charlotte selected to join federal study to find urban heat islands (April 16, 2024)
Inside UNC Charlotte UNC Charlotte Researchers to Lead Community Science Heat Mapping Campaign (April 16, 2024)