Archived News

Last week, three meteorology undergraduates (Ian Shank, Emily Bennett, and Chris Germano) were invited to Pineville elementary to talk to the 5th grade class about cloud types, fronts, severe weather, and instrumentation. The students had a lot of great questions and hopefully some will become environmental scientists someday!

Congratulations to Dr. Michelle Zuñiga, the 2023-2024 recipient of the James H. Woodward Faculty Research Award. The James H. Woodward Faculty Research Award was established in 2021 and is awarded annually to an untenured member of the faculty who was reappointed to a tenure-earning position in the preceding academic year. By recognizing a promising program of research, scholarship, […]

PhD Student, Yetimoni Kpeebi, was recently featured in Planetizen, on their work focusing on the role of tiny house villages as a housing solution for the homelessness crisis in the U.S. Drawing on their prior research, Yeti discusses how self-help and community-driven housing models, and lessons from Ghana’s informal housing sector, could inform more inclusive and adaptive […]

Professor Gang Chen of our department was recently named a Fellow of the AAG (American Association of Geographers). The AAG Fellows is a recognition and service program that applauds geographers who have made significant contributions to advancing geography. Prof. Chen was recognized by AAG for “an exemplary track record of leadership and service at multiple levels”. AAG […]

In December 2024, Calvin Cupini, was one of 10 alumni of UNC Charlotte who was selected as a recipient of the 2024 “10 Under Ten” Award by the UNC Charlotte GOLD Alumni Network. The GOLD (Graduates of the Last Decade) Alumni Network describes the 10 Under Ten as alumni who have “not only made significant impacts […]

With the support of the STORM club, SGA, the Department of EEGS, and Carla Ashton, STORM was able to send 22 undergraduates to the annual meeting of the American Meteorological Society’s conference from January 10-12, 2025 in New Orleans, LA. In addition to the students, four meteorology faculty also attended: Terry Shirley, Matt Eastin, Casey […]

EEGS faculty and graduate students celebrated the end of the Fall 2024 academic semester with a holiday potluck with lots of amazing food, plenty of desserts, and a game that got everyone laughing. Special thanks to our department chair, Dr. Sara Gagne, and our staff (Lisa, Teena, Rachel, and Mika) who helped to plan and […]

The Charlotte Heat Mappers, a multidisciplinary research team led by Drs. Katherine Idziorek, Matthew Eastin, and Michelle Zuñiga, have released the final report and dataset resulting from their 2024 Urban Heat Island mapping campaign. The community science effort, supported by funding from the National Integrated Heat Health Information System (NIHHIS), engaged more than 60 volunteers to collect fine-grained […]

Wenwu Tang, Ph.D., professor and executive director of the Center for Applied Geographic Information Science and Sara Gagné, Ph.D., associate professor and department chair of the Department of Earth, Environmental and Geographical Sciences were featured in an in-depth interview with an “On Your Side Tonight” segment from WBTV journalist Jamie Boll. Gagné and Tang shared how research in EEGS and […]

Discovery Place Science guests had the opportunity to dig into North Carolina’s geological diversity and rich history of mining with experts in the field from UNC Charlotte’s GEO Club and Sigma Gamma Epsilon chapter. Learners of all ages explored the properties and uses of rocks in everyday life, tested and identified minerals, and simulated geomorphic […]

On November 20, 2024, the Center for Applied GIScience (CAGIS) and the Department of Earth, Environmental, and Geographical Sciences (EEGS) hosted the annual GIS Day in McEniry Lobby at UNC Charlotte. The event brought together students, faculty, and industry professionals to celebrate the power and potential of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Competition Highlights The day […]

Geography PhD student Lauren Burns was awarded the Graduate Schools 2025 Outstanding Master’s Thesis Award for the category of Non-traditional/Thesis. The committee noted that “Her thesis research uniquely blended disciplinary expertise in meteorology along with the science of teaching ale learning to make a substantial and novel contribution to meteorology and geoscience education” A summary […]