Archived News


Kudos to Ph.D. in Geography Candidate Sara Tornabene who is the recipient of the AAG’s award for Best Student Paper for Geography & Entrepreneurship: Sara received this honor for a paper she published with Dr. Isabelle Nilsson: Tornabene, S., & Nilsson, I. (2021). Rail transit investments and economic development: Challenges for small businesses. Journal […]


In late March, multiple GES graduate students and faculty attended the Southern Appalachian Weather and Climate (SAWC) workshop in Asheville, North Carolina. The workshop brought together a diverse group of students, academics, federal scientists, and broadcast media to share current research, share advancements in operational practice, and facilitate improved communication of weather, water, and climate […]


Paul Jung, a 2021 Geography Ph.D. graduate, received the Outstanding Dissertation Award of the American Association of Geographers’ Transportation Geography Specialty Group. His dissertation was titled “Distance Friction and Spatial Interaction Dynamics of International Freight Transportation.” In his dissertation, he studied the nature of spatial interaction phenomena and distance friction in the context of the […]


An Analysis of Local and Combined (Global) Scours on Piers-on-Bank Bridges. The Chaven et al. article has been selected for the cover page of the journal Civil Engineering. The research derives from the NCDOT funded DeepHyd project (Wenwu is the PI, Diemer, S-E Chen (CEEG) and Allan are co-PI’s) (Shukla, Slocum and T. Chen) are […]


Director of research and outreach Douglas Shoemaker was recently featured in the Charlotte Observer’s multipart story on tree canopy loss in the City. Despite a canopy coverage exceeding the national average, Charlotte has been losing more than 3 football fields of forest per day since 2012. The region remains a real estate draw for its […]


Dr. Jean-Claude Thill is Knight Foundation Distinguished Professor at the University of North Carolina, Charlotte. Thill is highly regarded for his substantial research and training contributions to quantitative human geography and GIScience sub-field. He has an impressive record of sustained and diverse service to the discipline. For ten years, he served as the editor-in-chief of […]


Dr. Colleen Hammelman’s book “Greening Cities by Growing Food, A Political Ecology Analysis of Urban Agriculture in the Americas” was officially release/published. This book examines how urban agriculture (UA) is valued in the sustainable city. Through a comparative examination of UA projects in four cities across the Americas – Rosario, Argentina; Toronto, Canada; Medellín, Colombia; […]


Terry Shirley, a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Geography and Earth Sciences wins two National Forecasting trophies in the 2020-2021 contest. Known as the WxChallenge (Weather Challenge), this national annual contest includes over 1,100 forecasters from all over the United States. Meteorology faculty and students, as well as professional forecasters compete across 10 cities […]


Congratulations to GES alums Connor Wood (BS Geography 2020) and J. Claire Schuch (PhD Geography and Urban Regional Analysis 2016) on their co-authored publication in the inaugural edition of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte Undergraduate Research Journal. Connor and Claire’s full article titled “Crisis for the University Student: Changing Student Housing and Growing […]


Ph.D. Candidate Paul Jung received the first place award in the Graduate Student-led Paper Competition and Yimin and Xiao Zhuang Travel Award at the 2021 Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International in Denver, CO. The awards were for a paper co-authored with Drs. Jean-Claude Thill (UNC Charlotte) and Luis Galvis-Aponte (Central […]


A significant proportion of Gaston County residents get their drinking water from private wells and other unregulated sources, particularly in the county’s northern and western rural communities. Yet, only a small fraction of residents test their water regularly. A UNC Charlotte team of researchers and students will work with residents and county health officials to […]


A team including UNC Charlotte urban planning researcher Katherine Idziorek has received a nearly $2 million grant from the National Science Foundation to advance research on how urban social and spatial systems can be organized to be more resilient and efficient. Read the full article here.