Archived News

Recently a few of our PhD students received various awards. Please congratulate them. Congratulations to Providence Adu on his receipt of a Joanna R. Baker Memorial Graduate Fellowship. The Baker fellowship is awarded to the applicant who best demonstrates evidence of creative and rigorous solutions applied to challenging public and social policy problems. Congratulations to […]

Undergraduate student Claire Patrick was awarded North Carolina Arc Users Group Undergraduate Scholarship. Congradulations Claire. North Carolina is a leading state in the geospatial industry, due, in part, to the excellence exhibited by the GIS professionals that live and work in this great state. In that spirit, NCAUG strives to ensure that the next generation […]

The College of Computing and Informatics is sponsoring a virtual interdisciplinary panel discussion, called “Mars Landing and Exploration: Why We Should Care.”Our Dr. Eppes is a panelist. Friday, April 23, 12:30-1:30. Click here to attend.

Three Geography Ph.D. students won national awards last week at the annual AAG confrence. Sara Toranbene received a fellowship from the Urban Geography Specialty Group for her research: A collection of economic possibilities: Latinx Diverse Economies in Boston and Charlotte. Elina Shepard was runner-up for the AAG-Kauffman Award for Best Student Paper in Geography and […]

From Inside UNC Charlotte: “Every great city has a great research university.” Most of my colleagues have heard me say this a time or two. This certainly is true of the Charlotte region — and UNC Charlotte. Driving this home are the members of our faculty recognized recently for their promise with Faculty Early Career […]

A recent article appearing in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences features Department of Geography & Earth Sciences Professor Pat Fall, whose research reveals that humans first arrived in the northern Bahamas about 830 CE, 200 years earlier than thought previously, after spreading rapidly through the entire Bahamian archipelago in less than century. […]

Behnam Nikparvar, won first place in the 2021 Graduate Research Symposium with a paper titled “Remotely Sensed Large Population Displacement and Return”. The Authors are: Behnam Nikparvar, Jean-Claude Thill, James Walsh The population of forcibly displaced people has doubled to 79.5 million since 2010. Reliable information about large population displacement and return resulting from wars […]

One of our majors, Jonese Pipkin, was highlighted in this story by Susan Messina with the university. “Jonese Pipkin ’20 plans to put her degree in environmental science to work by giving a voice to those unfairly impacted by environmental injustice.” See the full article here.

There is a new documentary detailing the story of one Charlotte neighborhood. It’s called “Charlotte’s Hidden Valley Neighborhood: The Lived Experience”. The Hidden Valley neighborhood is over by where I-85 hits West Sugar Creek Road. The documentary looks at how the neighborhood is today and how it started. Barbara Lash is behind the documentary. She […]

A NCDOT proposal led by Dr. Wenwu Tang (Associate Professor, Executive Director of CAGIS) was selected for funding. Co-PIs are Drs. Wei Fan (Professor in Civil and Environmental Engineering), Eric Delmelle (Associate Professor), and Shenen Chen (Professor in Civil and Environmental Engineering). This project is entitled “Geo-FRIT: A web-based geospatial analytics tool for quantifying freight […]

Dr. Patricia Fall and Dr. Jean-Claude Thill are among the top 2% of the world’s most cited researchers, based on a recent Stanford Study. Read the full article here.

Data remains crucial to understanding the impact and spread of COVID-19 around the globe. Jean-Claude Till, a Knight Distinguished Professor in the Department of Geography and Earth Sciences, and Rajib Paul, an associate professor in the Department of Public Health Science, discuss an effort by UNC Charlotte’s interdisciplinary School of Data Science to leverage data […]