Archived News


The department created a short video to congratulate the class of 2020.


Eleven outstanding students were recently honored at the annual University Honor and Awards Ceremony, held virtually due to the coronavirus pandemic. Connor Wood, a Geography major with a minor in Economics, is graduate of Leadership Fellows. He served as a STAR mentor and program coordinator. This past year, he was Royal Court chair for the […]


PhD Candidate Paul Jung received the 3rd Prize of the John Odland Award at the 2020 AAG. The John Odland Award is given to winners of the student paper competition of the Spatial Analysis & Modeling Specialty Group of AAG. The award was for Paul Jung’s paper co-authored with Dr. Jun Song: “Multivariate Neighborhood Trajectory […]


Caroline Brinegar, MA, Geography, recently designated as one of UNC Charlotte’s most Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistants (TA). Caroline Brinegar is a first generation, non-traditional master’s student in the Geography program. She has worked as a teaching assistant as both an undergraduate and graduate student. Read the full article here:


Toward the end of our conversation, as she nurses the last of her sour IPA at Divine Barrel Brewing in NoDa, one of the nation’s foremost researchers of craft breweries and their effects on urban economies gestures toward the beer menu scrawled, as in most taprooms, on a chalkboard that hangs behind the bar. “Most […]


Dr Casey Davenport will be awarded an American Meteorological Society Editor’s Award for her work as a reviewer for the AMS journal “Weather and Forecasting” for “consistently providing timely, balanced, constructive, and thorough reviews, while accepting all review invitations”. She will be recognized at the AMS Annual Meeting award ceremony in Boston in mid-January for […]


In mid January, students and faculty from Geography and Earth Sciences will be representing UNC Charlotte at the American Meteorological Society (AMS) Annual Meeting in Boston. The conference hosts over 4,000 attendees with applied and theoretical research related to atmospheric sciences, and includes both a Student Conference and the Full Conference. Many students from […]


In a county where 42% of the residents rely on drinking water from unregulated sources, primarily private wells, educating residents on protecting their drinking water sources is a big job. Such is the case in Gaston County, North Carolina, where arsenic, manganese, and E. coli and total coliform bacteria threaten to contaminate wells, compromising the […]


Two years ago, we set off on a journey to refamiliarize ourselves with the greater Charlotte region. With funding from The Duke Endowment, the UNC Charlotte Urban Institute sought to understand how a cohesive region whose shared identity was once synonymous with the ethos of New South prosperity had splintered in recent decades. A thriving […]


The UNCC Department of Geography and Earth Sciences welcomed fellow geographers from the Middle East who were in Charlotte attending the Applied Geography Conference. They participated in a panel discussion in Dr. Ewers’ Geography of the Middle East course and took a tour around our beautiful campus. From Left to Right: Dr. Mohammad Alnasrallah (Kuwait […]


The Department of Geography and Earth Sciences hosted more than 150 geographers at this year’s Applied Geography Conference on October 23-25 in Uptown Charlotte. Thanks to faculty, staff and graduate students, the conference was a true team effort. Student turnout was outstanding — 27 of our graduate students discussed their research, presented posters, organized panels, […]


Terry Shirley Jr. is widely known for his enthusiasm for meteorology, and he wants to share that passion with others. Ultimately though, he simply wants to help students succeed. “Getting someone excited to learn, to grow as a person, to embrace diversity, to problem solve, to ask ‘Why?’, and to effectively communicate is what I […]