Archived News


Less than a month into 2017, there have been more fatalities due to tornadoes this year than all of 2016. Dr. Casey Davenport discussed some of the reasons behind this sharp increase with Time Warner Cable News.


The Butterfly Highway took flight when doctoral student Angel Hjarding came up with the idea while exploring research for her dissertation at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. She launched the project in several neighborhoods in Charlotte. Earlier this year, the program received a major lift when NCWF adopted it and hired Hjarding to […]


Shanghai flyer Final.pdf Development, Settlement, Health & Sustainability in Global Cities: The Shanghai Experience GEOG 3000/SOCY 2090 & URBS 3050/LBST 2102 (6 total credit hours) | Summer 1, 2017 Month long interdisciplinary course using Shanghai, China as “living laboratory” through which to explore multiple dimensions of urbanization in context of globalization. See flyer for additional […]


As Hurricane Matthew approaches the southeast US, there are a number of UNC Charlotte graduates that are working this storm from a Meteorology stand point. Below are a list of a few that will be working the storm. Garrett Bedenbaugh is in Jacksonville at WJAX- Action News Jacksonville. Kaitlin Wright is in Myrtle Beach at […]


Inside UNC Charlotte In support of its nomination for the 2016 Higher Education Civic Engagement Award, the University used the Charlotte Action Research Project (CHARP) to emphasize the depth and breadth of UNC Charlotte’s efforts to enhance the region’s economic, civic and cultural vitality. For almost a decade, University staff and graduate researchers have led […]


William Garcia is a Lecturer in the Department of Geography and Earth Science. He uses lecture, whole class discussion, and small-room breakout sessions as well as informal group work using think-pair- share and a classroom response system. His teaching philosophy is to divide the course into two weekly lectures and smaller discussion or break-out sections. […]


Charlotte Community Scholars Presentation YouTube video Geography majors, Jamal Covington and Devin Martin, won an award for their entry into the Virtual Hackathon (apps and games for social good) competition (Click here for website). They created a mobile app this summer for the Charlotte Community Scholars program…..their app will assist CHARP with their efforts to […]


Students in UNC Charlotte geologist William Garcia’s classes can imagine they have stepped back in time to the Mesozoic Era, as they follow an interactive path of dinosaur footprints newly installed on campus. Click here to read more.


The bees and butterflies flitting through your yard this summer don’t hint at a dark reality: The pollinators that feed the world are starving. More than 200,000 species, mostly insects, carry pollen grains from male to female parts of flowers for reproduction. Three-quarters of the globe’s food crops rely on pollinators. But up to 40 […]


Rachel Cucinotta, Senior METR BS, published work from her Summer 2015 REU in a top journal. Abstract. Open, uncontrolled combustion of domestic waste is a potentially significant source of aerosol; however, this aerosol source is not generally included in many global emissions inventories. To provide a first estimate of the aerosol radiative impacts from domestic-waste […]


Graduating geography major, Sarah McDonald, was awarded MVP of the Charlotte 49ers Volleyball team for 2016. The Charlotte 49ers and the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee held the 2016 Student-Athlete Awards Banquet in the Student Union on campus Wednesday May 4, 2016 and presented team MVP and Coaches’ Awards as well as department-wide academic honors. Sarah is […]


The outcome of the Civil War was influenced by many factors on both sides, including population, finances, the availability of weaponry, naval power and military leadership. But in a recent study published by the Geological Society of America, a North Carolina professor suggests a less obvious factor: rocks. “It is not an overstatement to say […]