Archived News
Yinan He, a second-year PhD student in the Geography and Earth Sciences department, won the Student Presentation First Place Award sponsored by the AAG (American Association of Geographers) Landscape Specialty Group. The presentation was given at the 2016 AAG meeting in San Francisco. Yinan is Dr. Gang Chen’s graduate student, working on a project using […]

Latest newsletter from the department.
The department would like to welcome Dr. Céline Martin and Dr. Jacopo Canello. Both will start in the fall and we look forward to having them join the faculty here at UNC Charlotte.

Our department had a very strong showing at the American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting in San Francisco. Twenty students and faculty members took the journey to share research ideas, participate in panels and recruit new students. Several of us organized and/or chaired an impressive number of sessions. Congratulations to Dr. Gang Chen who was […]

Exceptional role models recognized at International Women’s Day Offering odes to strong women who inspired them was a common thread by speakers at the recent International Women’s Day program held in the Student Union Multipurpose Room. An annual event, International Women’s Day “acknowledges that our campus community is filled with local women who embody the […]
Dr. Gang Chen has been named the 2016 recipient of the Early Career Award, sponsored by Remote Sensing Specialty Group of American Association of Geographers (AAG – RSSG)
If you listen to Charlotte Talks, you can hear Dr. Brian Magi talking about air quality science tomorrow morning, March 2, 2016.

magazine-q1-2016-eppes.pdf The drive to learn how the sun weathers rock has taken UNC Charlotte earth scientist Martha-Cary “Missy” Eppes to great lengths – to the arid deserts of the Southwest, the periglacial boulder fields of Pennsylvania and Virginia and even to the surface of Mars. Mechanical weathering, the physical means by which rock is broken […]
Abstract Most Atlantic hurricanes form in the Main Development Region between 9°N to 20°N along the northern edge of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). Previous research has suggested that meridional shifts in the ITCZ position on geologic timescales can modulate hurricane activity, but continuous and long-term storm records are needed from multiple sites to assess […]
Dr. Jean-Claude Thill and Kalias Venkitasubramanian’s Maritime Economics & Logistics (MEL) paper, entitled ‘Multi-layered hinterland classification of Indian ports of containerized cargoes using GIS visualization and decision tree analysis’, has been selected to receive the Editor’s Choice Award for 2015.
On January 21st, Professor Brian Magi will present at the Schiele Museum Science Café on climate change science and solutions, with a focus on North Carolina. The event begins at 6pm with the talk scheduled to start around 6:30pm. Science Cafe is an entertaining and educational event for adults that includes fun science trivia, snacks, […]
14 Meteorology students (Ryan Plumley, Rachel Cucinotta, Cody Ledbetter, Eric Bunker, Helena Tapp, Kit Cloninger, Bob Hughes, Steven Potter, Stephen McCoy, Malik Williams, Justin Ballard, Kyle Shaw, Nkosi Muse, and Thomas Winesett) as well as Professors Davenport, Eastin, and Shirley are at the annual meeting of the American Meteorological Society (AMS) in New Orleans this […]