Archived News
UNC Charlotte Meteorology senior Ricky Matthews and Earth Sciences Masters student Thomas Winesett were featured in a CLAS Exchange story about storm chasing in North Carolina last April. Read the whole article and see some pictures at
About 10 undergraduate and graduate students, as well as Professors Davenport and Magi, will be at the annual meeting of the American Meteorological Society (AMS) in Phoenix, Arizona from 3-8 January. Our Meteorology students will all be attending the AMS Student Conference and many will attend the full conference as well. Presenters include senior Warren […]

Holiday Season Kudos to the Geography and Earth Sciences Graduate Student Organization (GESGO) for their successful launch and completion of Operation Sandwich. On December 5th, students, staff and faculty of the Department of Geography and Earth Sciences gathered to make sandwiches for distribution to the Urban Ministry Center, an organization “dedicated to bringing the community […]
Carolynne Hultquist, a newly graduated Geography BS student, published her research as lead author in a high-profile international journal Remote Sensing Letters. The research was completed while Carolynne worked in Professor Gang Chen’s lab. In the study, high spectral resolution remote sensing, geographic object-based image analysis (GEOBIA), and machine learning were applied to assess burn […]
Christopher Godwin, a newly graduated Geography BS student, published his research as lead author in a high-profile international journal Landscape & Urban Planning. The research was completed while Chris worked in Professor Gang Chen’s lab. It synergies remote sensing LiDAR (light detection and ranging) and aerial photography to efficiently model landscape-level forest carbon storage in […]
Congratulations to PhD in Geography and Urban Regional Analysis students Claire Schuch and Brisa Urquieta-Hernandez lead authors on a research paper selected by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJ) as one of the four “most influential“ articles in 2014 in the area of identification and elimination of disparities in health care. The paper, Por Nuestros […]
Dr. Brian Magi is seeking a graduate student to join the Multidisciplinary Earth System and Atmospheric Sciences (MESAS) research group in the Department of Geography and Earth Sciences at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte ( The student will develop research within the context of an NSF funded project focused on studying how global […]
Dylan McKnight didn’t get involved with the Reid Park Neighborhood Park project for recognition. He got involved because he wanted to help the neighborhood fulfill its 23-plus-year desire for a community park. But that led to something more. McKnight has been awarded the 2014 Marvin Collins Outstanding Planning Award in the graduate student project category […]
Geography professor receives Provost’s Faculty Award for Community Engagement Heather Smith, professor of geography in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, is the 2014 recipient of the Provost’s Faculty Award for Community Engagement. Established in 2012, the award honors a tenured faculty member whose teaching, research and service embodies the University’s commitment to civic […]
UNC Charlotte Geography Graduate Programs – Funded Assistantships Spring 2015
Congratulations to Angel Hjarding, PhD Student in Geography and Urban Regional Analysis, on receipt of a grant to participate in a NSF funded workshop and symposium at the Biodiversity Informatics Standards (TDWG), also known as the Taxonomic Databases Working Group, conference October 27-31 in Jönköping, Sweden. This is a competitive grant to pay the expenses […]
UNC Charlotte meteorology students can now showcase their weather research online and in a new campus display unit in the front lobby of the McEniry building, as a result of meteorology student Warren Pettee’s Charlotte Research Scholars summer project. Pettee completed his project, the Niner Nation Weather display, under the guidance of faculty mentors Matt […]