Archived News
To enhance its social and behavioral science research, UNC Charlotte has established Project Mosaic, an initiative that will be led by Knight Foundation Distinguished Professor Jean-Claude Thill. The divisions of Academic Affairs and Research and Economic Development are funding the university-wide effort, which will be housed in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences. Project […]
At the end of October, the City of Charlotte hosted the first annual Neighborhood Leadership Awards with the Neighborhood Improvement Award going to Reid Park, a neighborhood partner of the Charlotte Action Research Project (CHARP). The award recognizes a neighborhood association that has shown a commitment to enhancing the aesthetics and safety of their neighborhood. […]
Two study abroad options require priority attention if students are interested in enrolling. The first of these is Berlin in the Mirror of Time (GERM 3050, 3 credit hrs) which is a spring semester course with an embedded spring break study abroad component. Registration for this course is November 1st. Please contact Dr. Warbeck ( […]
UNC Charlotte urban design and community planning student Dylan McKnight began working on a park design for the neighborhood as a major project for his master’s degree.
Doctoral Candidate Tara Bengle of the Department of Geography and Earth Sciences Department and the Charlotte Action Research Project received an exclusive invitation to participate in meeting no. 3 of the “Democratic Practices and Community Development” work group. Her invitation comes as a result of an abstract she submitted, titled “Integrating popular education into a […]
The UNC Charlotte chapter of Gamma Theta Upsilon, an honor’s organization for geography students, has resumed their reign over the NC World Geography Bowl competition! Once again, the trophy has been returned to UNC Charlotte by team members Carolynne Hultquist, Ran Tao, Sara Gleave, Monica Dorning and Joe Howarth, team captain. Both Carolynne and Joe […]
UNC Charlotte, Department of Geography and Earth Sciences Associate Professor Scott Hippensteel recently published an article with economist Dr. Simon Condliffe of West Chester University titled: Profiting from the past: Are fossils a sound investment? GSA Today, v. 23, no. 8; doi: 10.1130/GSATG179GW.1
USIALE_Newsletter_201308.pdf UNC Charlotte Geography PhD student Monica Dorning and her research is featured in the “Spotlight on Student Members” in the US Regional Association of the International Association for Landscape Ecology (US-IALE) Newsletter Vol. 28/2. UNC Charlotte, Department of Geography and Earth Sciences Assistant Professor Dr. Sara Gagné was elected to the office of Councillor-at-Large […]
Congratulations to Claire Schuch, PhD Student in Geography and Urban Regional Analysis, on her selection as a 2013-2014 Graduate Life Fellow with UNC Charlotte’s Graduate School. See links below for information about Claire’s achievement and the GLF program.
Alumna Jennifer Meehan (BS-METR-2008) recently accepted a position in Washington, DC at the National Academy of Sciences as a member of the Division of Engineering and Physical Sciences (DEPS) Space Study Board, where she will play an integral role in advising Congress, federal organizations (including NOAA, NASA, NSF, DOE, and Homeland Security), and civilian space […]