Archived News


GES faculty and graduate students presented their research at the Southeast Division’s American Association of Geographers’ (SEDAAG) Conference in Norfolk, VA, Nov 19-20, 2023. Dr. Bill Graves and Dr. Michael Ewers presented in the Innovations in Economic Geography paper session. Dr. Ewers’ paper on the US Hydrogen Hub Program was co-authored with Environmental Studies Major Caitlin Conrecode. Dr. […]


Dr. Jean-Claude Thill was honored last weekend with an award from the North American Regional Science Council (NARSC). The full announcement can be read below: The Walter Isard Award for Scholarly Achievement pays tribute to regional scientists who have made significant theoretical and methodological contributions to the field of Regional Science throughout their careers. NARSC is […]


The Epsilon Sigma chapter of the Sigma Gamma Epsilon honor society welcomed new members at its initiation ceremony on November 7. It is a privilege and an honor to be a member of SGE, which recognizes scholarship and professionalism in the Earth Sciences. Congratulations to these newest members! Pictured are the new members, Left to right: […]


The GEO club and members of Dr. Scott Hippensteel’s Sedimentology class visited Green Mill Run in Greenville, North Carolina to collect fossils.  The two formations exposed along the bed of the creek are the Cretaceous Donoho Creek and the Miocene Yorktown Formation, both of which are full of shark teeth and, occasionally, marine reptile teeth.  […]


Students from the 49er Urban Planners club and the Urban Studies minor represented Geography and Earth Sciences at the American Planning Association North Carolina Chapter’s annual conference in Durham this week! Drs. Zuñiga and Idziorek presented their Gambrell Fellowship research on transportation barriers experienced by residents living in underinvested Charlotte communities, and students participated in […]


Dr. Michael Ewers along with other faculty at UNC Charlotte were awarded the new Gambrell Faculty Fellows Fellowship for work that addresses critical community questions. “The idea is, if you are in a society or a community where there’s knowledge of existing resources and opportunities, you’ll be more able to adapt and deal with change,” […]


Four GES students Miles Calloway, Wyatt Hicks, Harris Robinson, and John Kinsey, along with two non-GES students Mia Todd (Architecture) and Grace Bell (UNC-CH), travelled to Thailand this summer to participate in a 8-week collaborative project between UNC Charlotte and Chulalongkorn University, funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). Directed by Dr. Gang Chen and Dr. […]


Dr. Casey Davenport, an Associate Professor of Meteorology, was recently conferred the Outstanding Early Career Award by the American Meteorological Society’s Committee on Mesoscale Processes. The award citation highlights her diverse portfolio of work in severe thunderstorms and pedagogy: “For contributions to understanding of environmental and terrain influences on supercell thunderstorms and techniques to more […]


Charlotte has made plans to introduce 10-minute neighborhoods throughout the city. But what are they and what do they consist of? Read through John Kinsey’s (Current MA in Geography Graduate Student) blog post detailing the latest urban planning tool used to foster more mobility options. Chrono-urbanism: Time for Pedestrianized Cities By: John Kinsey, MA in […]


On Thursday, May 4th the Geography and Earth Sciences Department held the annual student awards reception on the third floor of the Student Union. Over 80 guests were in attendance as the department honored both undergraduate and graduate students across all degree programs. Below is a list of all of the awards and the winners: […]


Students in Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology were treated to an out-of-this-world experience when examining a suite of meteorite thin sections on loan from NASA. The meteorites were found by scientists in Antarctica as part of The Antarctic Search for Meteorites (ANSMET) program and include samples from an undifferentiated asteroid, the asteroid 4-Vesta, and Mars among […]


On May 3rd, 2023, graduate students from Dr. Michelle Zuñiga’s Qualitative Methods in Geography (GEOG 6115/8115) course presented their key findings regarding a qualitative study conducted to investigate tenant experiences living in corporate landlord housing in Charlotte. To an audience of about 60-70 local residents, a county commissioner (Pat Cotham), and the local news media […]