
John Diemer and INES Alum Brad Johnson win award

Categories: News

INES Alum (Brad Johnson), with John Diemer as co-author just got chosen by Earth Surface Processes and Landforms for Wiley Award, 2018; given to the “best paper published in the journal Earth Surface Processes and Landforms for the calendar year 2017”. ESPL is one of the premier journals that publishes Geomorphology and Quaternary Geology research. […]

2019 EGSG Distinguished Scholar Award Winner

Categories: News

The 2019 EGSG Distinguished Scholar is Prof. Heather Smith, University of North Carolina, Charlotte. Congratulations to Prof. Smith on this well-deserved award. The EGSG group will be holding a special awards session at the 2019 AAG meeting in Washington DC.

Dr. Davenport receives CLAS teaching award

Categories: News

Dr. Davenport has received the CLAS Outstanding Teaching Award for the Integration of Undergraduate Teaching and Research. Congratulations Casey.

Geography & Earth Sciences goes WAY south.

Categories: News

Dr. Eppes was just awarded an NSF grant to study rock cracking in Antarctica! Collaborative Research: Landscape Evolution in the McMurdo Dry Valleys: Erosion Rates and Real-time Monitoring of Rock Breakdown in a Hyperarid, Subzero Environment. The McMurdo Dry Valleys (MDV) region of Antarctica is one of the coldest, driest, and windiest places on the […]

Andrew Spatz is a recipient of the 2018 SME Scholarship

Categories: News

Andrew Spatz is one of 7 recipients this year. The award including a certificate and a check will be given to the students at the 2018 SME Carolinas and Georgia Section Joint Meeting and Field trip which will be held on “Heavy Mineral Sands” Jekyll Island, GA on April 27-28, 2018

Gaston Abel Ayon Munguia won the second place in the Photo/Map Competition

Categories: News

Gaston Abel Ayon Munguia (PhD student) won the second place in the Photo/Map Competition sponsored by the Landscape Specialty Group that I am chairing. His photo is “Inheritor”. Here is the comment from the award committee: “We were impressed with the story of this photo and felt it adhered very well to the landscape theme. […]

Doctoral Student Paul Jung Wins 1st Place For Paper

Categories: News

Doctoral student Paul Jung received the first prize in the student paper competition of the Geographic Information Systems and Science Specialty Group of the AAG. He beat 30some other applicants. Congratulations Paul.

Department at AAG

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This week, many of our Geography and Earth Sciences students and faculty will be traveling to New Orleans, Louisiana to present their research at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers ( The conference, held between April 10th and 14th, features more than 6,000 presentations, posters, workshops, and field trips by leading scholars, […]

Dr. Paul McDaniel (2013) recognized by AAG

Categories: News

Congratulations to PhD in Geography and Urban Regional Analysis graduate Dr. Paul McDaniel (2013) who was recognized by the American Association of Geographers in their April 2018 Career Profiles series. See more information about why Paul choose to become a Geographer and what he finds most inspiring about his work now that he is […]


Categories: News

Our Meteorology majors have organized and are running the 4th Annual UNC Charlotte Weather Fest on Friday March 16 from 10am to 4pm at the Cone Center on campus. Weather Fest 2018 will include kid’s activities, presentations and displays by forecasters from the National Weather Service and by UNC Charlotte Meteorology students and faculty. You […]