
Study Of Online Activism Data Wins A Top Prize
UNC Charlotte researchers have examined over one million tweets sent during the protests of the police shooting of Keith Lamont Scott in Charlotte in September 2016. This research holds implications for understanding the role of cluster tweets and other public relations strategies in relation to online activism. “The Keith Lamont Scott shooting and ensuing Charlotte […]

Student-Led Mosquito Project Collaborates on Public Health Research
Ari Whiteman, a student in the Geography and Urban Regional Analysis doctoral program and founder and director of the Urban Mosquito Project, is seeking volunteers in the Charlotte area who will allow the research team to place mosquito traps on their property. Full story here. Photo credit: Lynn Roberson, CLAS Communications Director

Lecturer Laurie Garo successfully defends her PhD dissertation
Laurie Garo successfully defended her PhD dissertation “A Multilevel Analysis of Black Male Secondary School Student Discipline and Achievement in Relation to Violence Exposure”. The degree is a PhD in Curriculum and Instruction, Urban Education, within the college of education. Laurie utilized GIS as one of her methods, to determine neighborhood level violence exposure. Dr. […]

Graduate Students Win At Research Symposium
Congratulations to PhD Geography and Urban Regional Analysis students Danny Yonto and Tonya Farrow-Chestnut for receiving first and third place respectively in UNCC’s recent Graduate Research Symposium – Public Health, Social Sciences, and Business oral presentation category. Danny Yonto’s presentation was titled – Magnitude and Complexion of Community Gentrification in Charlotte’s Post-Recession Era: Tale of […]

Green Roof project at Park Road Autobell with Graduate Student Danielle Merritt
Wilson’s World: Checking out the “Green” Roof at Autobell on Park Road Wilson found out that washing cars is not all that goes on at the Autobell on Park Road. He climbed up onto the top of the building to investigate their environmentally friendly green roof. Autobell’s green roof is not only a pleasant view […]

Survey offers guidance for biking equity in Charlotte – Dr. Boyer
More cycling in Charlotte is good for you, even if you never mount a bicycle. More butts on bikes means less congestion and noise on local roads, cleaner air, fewer traffic fatalities and ultimately a lighter burden on our health care system. Purchasing, operating, and maintaining a bicycle is also many times cheaper as a […]

Science Meets Politics: Environmental Research, Regulation And Protections In North Carolina
Dr. Brian Magi will be on WFAE Charlotte Talks (Wednesday, March 22) in the morning for a fun discussion of science reactions after the Executive Branch budget proposal was released.

UNC Charlotte Meteorology students running a Weatherfest
UNC Charlotte Meteorology undergraduate and graduate students have organized and are running the 3rd Annual Charlotte Weatherfest on Friday, March 24th, 2017, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Hauser Alumni Pavilion on campus. At Weatherfest, you will find activities aimed at a wide range of ages but especially for K-6 students, Charlotte TV […]

CAGIS awarded a NSF XSEDE Supercomputing Resource Allocation Award
CAGIS has been approved with a NSF XSEDE Supercomputing Resource Allocation Award. The project (PI: Wenwu Tang) is entitled “Accelerating and enhancing multi-scale spatiotemporally explicit analysis and modeling of geospatial systems” (in total, 200,000 supercomputing service hours). As you may know, XSEDE (Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment;, supported by NSF, is the worldwide […]

Meteorologists Taking A Prominent Role In Climate Change Discussion
One of our Assistant Professors, Brain Magi, and one of our part time instructors, Brad Panovich, were on WFAE this week to talk about climate change. Nearly all climate scientists and a growing number of meteorologists believe climate change is real. We talk to a scientist and two meteorologists about the causes and effects of […]