Teachers Observing Peers Program: HUMANS TRANSFORMING THE ENVIRONMENT, LBST 2213

William Garcia is a Lecturer in the Department of Geography and Earth Science. He uses lecture, whole class discussion, and small-room breakout sessions as well as informal group work using think-pair- share and a classroom response system. His teaching philosophy is to divide the course into two weekly lectures and smaller discussion or break-out sections. “In lecture we use a variety of methods to increase student engagement with the course material and each other. This engagement is designed to increase student understanding of foundational content and vocabulary, and to provide simple understanding of concepts and how different concepts relate to one another. Within the smaller break-out sessions students participate in small-group work designed to provide a more detailed and intricate examination of the relationships between concepts.”
- Course is team-taught with Jamie Strickland
- Enrollment: 185 (All first semester freshmen)
- LBST 2213 Syllabus
- Tuesday & Thursday 9:30-10:45am, McEniry 125
- Dates Available to Visit:
- September 6th
- September 27th
- September 29th
- November 3rd
- November 8th
- November 10th
- November 15th
- November 17th
Request a time to visit William Garcia’s class
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