Dr. Lin Lin offering two talks this week.

In partnership with the Levine Scholars Program, the Department of Geography & Earth Sciences and the Urban Studies Minor is hosting a campus visit by Dr. Lin Lin from the Department of Urban Planning and Design at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University in Suzhou. China. Dr. Lin is the Department’s newest Adjunct Faculty Member and is our local partner for the China based study abroad course GES is offering this summer: Development, Settlement, Health & Sustainability in Global Cities: The Shanghai Experience. As a part of her time with us this week, Dr. Lin is offering two talks. All are welcome!
This first is a teaching talk titled Shanghai as a Global City. This talk will be offered as part of Dr. Jacopo Canello’s Patterns of World Urbanization class and will be on Wednesday April 19th between 11:00 and 12:15 AM in McEniry 123.
Dr. Lin’s research talk, Physical Activity, Neighborhood Built Environment, and Overweight and Obesity of school-age children in Shanghai, China will be on Thursday, April 20th between 11:00 and 12:30 in McEniry 401.