CAGIS Awarded Funding for NCDOT Proposal

A NCDOT proposal led by Dr. Wenwu Tang (Associate Professor, Executive Director of CAGIS) was selected for funding. Co-PIs are Drs. Wei Fan (Professor in Civil and Environmental Engineering), Eric Delmelle (Associate Professor), and Shenen Chen (Professor in Civil and Environmental Engineering). This project is entitled “Geo-FRIT: A web-based geospatial analytics tool for quantifying freight risk and resilience in transportation”. The project will conduct a comprehensive study on the risk and resiliency profiles on North Carolina public roads, specifically primary and secondary freight routes with the objective of establishing a geospatial analytics platform for transportation data integration and modeling. The platform, identified as “Geo-FRIT”, provides a web-based geospatial analytics tool for quantifying freight risk and resilience in transportation. Geo-FRIT will allow for data collection and sharing among DOT divisions, and routing analytics as well as advanced modeling of disaster data for risk-based freight routing through spatial simulation-driven scenario analysis. A bunch of graduate students will be supported over the next two years.
Proposal information (as needed):
2021-2023, NCDOT, Geo-FRIT: A web-based geospatial analytics tool for quantifying freight risk and resilience in transportation, ($323,065, amounts to UNCC: $323,065), [PIs: Wenwu Tang, Wei Fan, Eric Delmelle, Shen-En Chen]