PhD in Geography Students Recently Honored with Fellowships, Awards and more!

Recently a few of our PhD students received various awards. Please congratulate them.
Congratulations to Providence Adu on his receipt of a Joanna R. Baker Memorial Graduate Fellowship. The Baker fellowship is awarded to the applicant who best demonstrates evidence of creative and rigorous solutions applied to challenging public and social policy problems.
Congratulations to incoming student Dylan Turner on his receipt of a Wayand H. Cato Jr. First Year Doctoral Fellowship. The Cato fellowship supports newly admitted graduate students of exceptional talent and demonstrated promise in their chosen fields of study.
Sara Tornabene has been awarded with a fellowship from the AAG’s Urban Geography Specialty Group for her research: A Collection of Economic Possibilities: Latinx Diverse Economies in Boston and Charlotte.
Elina Shepard was runner-up for the AAG Kauffman Award for Best Student Paper in Geography and Entrepreneurship for her paper, Opportunities and Challenges for Small Businesses in New Transit Neighborhoods.
Yu Lan was the winner of the David Woodward Digital Map Award for the 48th annual CaGIS Map Design Competition for her Digital Bivariate Map of Covid: She was also runner-up for this award with another map submission!
Hannah Palko was honored by the Graduate School and Center for Graduate Life as a nominee for the 2020-2021 Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching Award.