Two Graduate Students named Graduate School Fellowship Winners.

The Geography and Earth Sciences department is delighted to announce that two of our Ph.D. in Geography students have recently been named major Graduate School Fellowship winners. Please join us in conveying hearty congratulations to Logan Twohey and Jennifer Bates.
Incoming doctoral student Logan Twohey is the 2022-2023 recipient of the Dr. William F. Kennedy Graduate Fellowship. Logan joins us this fall to work with Dr. Casey Davenport who shares Logan’s interests in severe weather and mesoscale storms.
Continuing Ph.D. Geography student Jennifer Bates for being named winner of the 2022-23 Lucille P. and Edward C. Giles Dissertation-Year Graduate Fellowship. Jennifer’s dissertation is under the advisement of Dr. Sara Gagne and examines the influence of road verge habitat and species traits on the incidence of raptor-vehicle collisions.