GES Students and Faculty attend AMS in Denver, CO

Students and faculty from Geography and Earth Sciences represented UNC Charlotte at the American Meteorological Society (AMS) Annual Meeting in Denver from January 7-12. The conference hosts thousands of attendees with applied and theoretical research related to atmospheric sciences, and includes both a Student Conference and the Full Conference. The STORM club would like to thank SGA, The Department of Geography and Earth Sciences, and Dr. Deb Thomas for making this trip possible.
Many students from our department attended, including undergraduate Meteorology majors Zac Showers, Alex Mahler, Alex Finnerty, Zack Elsam, Megan Kennedy, Christopher Germano, Kris Laurido, Olivia Massey, Dakota Cooper, Kayla Baines, Candell Wilson, Maddie Smith, Hannah Dennis, Michael Gimmi, Ethan Sommers, Cameron Lewis, Jared Caylor, Caleb Winslow, Jasen Greco and Christian Gonzalas. Professors Davenport and Shirley hosted a recruiting table at the Student Conference and handed out classy looking Department swag!
Diego Ruiz-Canseco (pictured above) presented his undergraduate REU poster during the student conference held on Sunday
Lauren Decker and Allison Van Ormer (pictured above), represented our MS Earth Sciences program at AMS and presented their preliminary research.
Students and faculty leaving the conference with the ‘Big Blue Bear’