GES Students and Faculty attend GSA meeting in Virginia

On March 17-19th, a group of students and faculty from the Department of Geography and Earth Sciences traveled to Reston, VA to attend the joint meeting of the Northeastern and Southeastern sections of the Geological Society of America.
Students Kayla Eury and April Ryley (pictured above) helped run the departments recruitment booth during the conference.
Dr. Andy Bobyarchick and Nora Vaughan (pictured below) and and Emeritus faculty Dr. John Diemer (not pictured) also assited in recruiting future M.S. students into the program!
In addition the recruitment, the group from GES also showcased several recent publications: Bobyarchick, Andy*: COLUMNAR STRUCTURES AND THE INFLUENCE OF MULTIPLE PLANAR DISCONTINUITIES IN METAMORPHOSED RHYOLITE IN THE CENTRAL PIEDMONT OF NORTH CAROLINA Eury, Kayla*; Eppes, Martha Cary; Fall, Patricia; Vaughan, Nora; Diemer, John; Ryley, April; Ferguson, Terry; Willard, Debra A.; Richter, Daniel D.; Nelson, Michelle: A PLEISTOCENE PALEOENVIRONMENTAL RECORD FROM THE PIEDMONT OF SOUTH CAROLINA Vang, Mai*; Trettin, Carl C.; Allan, Craig: IMPACT OF FORESTRY PRACTICES ON METHANE AND CARBON DIOXIDE EMISSIONS ALONG A FOREST TO WETLAND GRADIENT Vaughan, Nora*; Eppes, Martha Cary; Ferguson, Terry; Nelson, Michelle; Richter, Daniel D.; Fall, Patricia; Wells, Alec: HOLOCENE EVOLUTION OF LOW-ORDER WATERSHED HILLSLOPES AND SOILS IN THE SE PIEDMONT, NC USA Webb, Patrick*; Rasmussen, Monica; Eppes, Martha; Reynolds, Valerie; Keanini, Russell; Mushkin, Amit: RELATIONSHIPS AMONG MINERALOGY, GRAIN SIZE, MICROCRACKING, AND EXPOSURE AGE OF GRANITE AND CARBONATE ROCKS IN EASTERN CALIFORNIA, USA