Geology Senior Awarded Fellowship

McKenzie Miller, a senior BS Geology major was awarded a graduate student fellowship by the Society of Economic Geologists. McKenzie is planning to continue her study next year at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks where she will pursue a Master’s in Geology, focusing on structural controals, petrology, and field mapping of plutons along the Denali fault. McKenzie is a Levine scholar here at UNC Charlotte and during that time she took a month long backpacking trip in Wyoming’s Wind River Range before her freshman year which planted the seed in her mind to pursue geology as a career. McKenzie has had a wealth of research experience around the world:
“In my time here I researched and presented at a national GSA conference with Dr. Eppes, spent a semester in France taking earth science classes and doing tectonics research, attended geology field camp in Idaho, spent a summer in Nevada interning as an exploration geologist searching for gold, and am currently working with a North Carolina exploration venture mapping a pegmatite in Western NC. In short, studying geology has opened the doors for many incredible opportunities and chances to explore the world. Support from the Society of Economic Geologists through this fellowship is a great honor as I blend my academic interests in tectonics and field mapping into a career as an exploration geologist.”
Congratulations McKenzie and good luck in Alaska!