
Dr. Brian Magi on Charlotte Talks

Categories: News

Charlotte Talks: A Discussion Of Trump’s Decision To Pull U.S. Out Of Paris Climate Agreement

UNC Charlotte Receives Grant To Establish Watershed Observatory

Categories: News

UNC Charlotte has received a $76,521 grant to establish a watershed observatory that will document the impact of land use and invasive plant species on Catawba Watershed water quality and quantity and to guide the development of best conservation practices for uplands here and elsewhere. Martha Cary Eppes and David Vinson of the Department of […]

Earth Matters, Vol 3, Issue 1

Categories: News


Meteorology student earns a summer research opportunity at NASA

Categories: News

Charles Fite will be working this summer on research through the very competitive NASA Student Airborne Research Program (SARP). Charley’s specific research project at SARP will be determined soon enough, but generally he will be working on aircraft-based studies of the atmosphere and/or land-atmosphere interactions using in situ and remote sensing instrumentation. The aircraft part […]

Earth Science Masters Degree Student Awarded Summer Funding

Categories: News

Stephanie Edwards, who joined UNC Charlotte from NC State University in Spring 2016 and is working on a Masters degree in Earth Sciences with Dr Brian Magi, was awarded summer funding from the North Carolina Space Grant consortium through their very competitive Graduate Research Fellowship Program described at Usually, only two graduate students in […]

2017 Peter Birkeland Award

Categories: News

Catherine Opalka, an Earth Sciences MS student, has been selected as this year’s Peter Birkeland Award winner by the Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division of the Geological Society of America. Congratulations Catherine.

Two new faculty members starting Fall 2017

Categories: News

The department would like the welcome 2 new faculty members this coming fall. Dr. Colleen Hammelman and Dr. Jacob (Jack) Scheff.

UNC Charlotte at AAG 2017

Categories: News

Several of our graduate students, faculty, visiting scholars and researchers traveled to the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers in Boston this early April 2017. We had a stronger showing than last year at San Francisco with 24 presentations and 3 posters, 29 organizes or chaired sessions. Jean-Claude Thill andWenwu Tang were also […]

Dr. Lin Lin offering two talks this week.

Categories: News

In partnership with the Levine Scholars Program, the Department of Geography & Earth Sciences and the Urban Studies Minor is hosting a campus visit by Dr. Lin Lin from the Department of Urban Planning and Design at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University in Suzhou. China. Dr. Lin is the Department’s newest Adjunct Faculty Member and is our […]

Students Address Economic Mobility

Categories: News

When streetlights burn out in the Enderly Park neighborhood, the darkness closes in, causing residents to worry about safety. Neighborhood advocates may benefit from a new tool to help them push back the dark. UNC Charlotte geography undergraduate students Jamal Covington and Devin Martin have created a way for residents to use mobile devices to […]