Student Organizations
There are several student organizations in the Department of Earth, Environmental and Geographical Sciences that any interested student can join. A big part of the college experience is meeting peers, engaging in extracurricular activities, and networking. Joining a student club can be a great way to do just that!
GEO (Geology & Earth Science Organization)

GEO provides a support system for majors and non-majors interested in geosciences. The club helps students network with professional, academic, and local communities through visiting lecturers, field trips, and service activities. Each year, GEO keeps our adopted stream clean, participates in Charlotte Kidsfest and the NC Science Festival, attends local and national scientific conferences, hosts visiting professionals, and more!

For more information about GEO, click here or contact one of the club’s faculty advisors (Valerie Reynolds, or Jake Armour

UNC Charlotte is a student chapter of the Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists (AEG). AEG is the acknowledged international leader in environmental and engineering geology, and is greatly respected for its stewardship of the profession. AEG offers information on environmental and engineering geology useful to practitioners, scientists, students, and the public. Membership in AEG can enhance your technical and business knowledge, provide career opportunities, and introduce you to thousands of other professionals… all while having fun in the process! Membership is FREE for students!
For more information about AEG, click here or contact one of the club’s faculty advisors (Valerie Reynolds, or Jake Armour

Epsilon sigma chapter of Sigma Gamma Epsilon

UNC Charlotte is a student chapter of the SGE honor society. The Society of Sigma Gamma Epsilon was established to recognize scholarship and professionalism in the Earth Sciences. It has for its objectives the scholastic, scientific, and professional advancement of its members and the extension of relations of friendship and assistance among colleges and universities which are devoted to the advancement of the Earth Sciences. Membership in Sigma Gamma Epsilon and the listing of it on one’s résumé (or the wearing of a member’s pin) tells a prospective employer or a colleague that you are at least a “B” average student and that in the eyes of your peers you are professionally motivated.
For more information about SGE, click here or contact the student chapter representative (Andy Bobyarchick

STORM (Student Organization of Meteorology)

The Student Organization of Meteorology (STORM) is designed to broaden and educate the UNC Charlotte community on meteorological forecasts, events, and processes. STORM will provide an open environment that will strengthen students’ camaraderie, successes within the classroom, and increase opportunities for professional careers. STORM holds a number of events throughout the year: professional talks; NWS visits; Broadcast visits; and community building activities. STORM also organizes the annual trip to the AMS conference each year. Reach out to the club officers or club advisors for more information!
Faculty advisors, Terry Shirley or Matt Eastin.
49er up (49er Urban Planners)
The 49er Urban Planners (49er UP) Club is designed to provide a safe, welcoming and inclusive environment that will 1) build community among all students interested in urban planning regardless of race, nationality, religion, age, disability, sexuality, or gender identity; 2) facilitate professional development opportunities for students; and 3) encourage active participation of students in dialogues and initiatives related to urban planning on campus, within the city of Charlotte, and more broadly.
Learn more on our Niner Engage page!
Faculty advisors, Katherine Idziorek and Michelle Zuñiga
The American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing student chapter (ASPRS)

The American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) is dedicated to fostering a community that promotes collaboration and knowledge exchange among professionals, researchers, and students in photogrammetry, remote sensing, and geospatial sciences. The chapter advances professional development through educational programs, certifications, and technical resources while encouraging the ethical application of geospatial technologies to address critical societal issues, such as environmental sustainability, disaster response, and urban development, at local, national, and global scales.
For more information about ASPRS, contact the chapter’s faculty advisor, Dr. Gang Chen (, or the student chapter representative, Ryan Carter (